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Education for learners aged 11-18 with Social, emotional, mental health and disabilities. 

Foundation level Hair and beauty certificate. 

3 hrs required per week

32 week programme

ABT accredited: Fully insured and verified. 

Priding itself on an alternative pupil centered vocational approach and centred around the importance of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths), the Hair and Beauty sector plays an incredibly important part in the local economy in Cornwall and Devon; and whilst some students are regaining the confidence to study within the classroom, all students are building the steps to successful study or  employment when they graduate.

Emma Hosie offers one to one education in a nurturing environment for learners aged 11-18yrs with social, emotional, mental health and disabilities.

We recognize that sometimes you may have a child who has differences from their peers – learning may take longer, both academically and socially. Despite their tremendous efforts, results are often a fraction of their peers and social acceptance is much harder, setting them up for frustration. Instead of a fun and fulfilling experience, school or college can become a breeding ground for anxiety and assignments a battle ground both at home and at their provision; This is exhausting for both parents and the child alike.

There will be ongoing consideration of learning styles and matching of delivery methods throughout and it is understood that some theoretical topics will not meet the needs of every group member during some sessions. with this in mind, study support and differentiation will be used to support their EDI (equality, diversity and inclusivity) and ELM (every learner matters): Numeracy and Literacy will also be contextualised and embedded into the programme wherever and whenever possible.

Students have many different and complex needs, and at The Copper Academy we have designed a programme of education enabling our students to gain vital qualifications for progression.

These qualifications will help to extend the confidence to work well with others and organise simple tasks and assignments with a positive attitude.  The courses will include various teaching and learning strategies including theory workshops, workbooks, learning games, mood boards, group discussions/work, practical demonstrations, and peer observation as well as practical sessions on a manikin head, developing to real model case studies and supported work experience where able.

Speech and Language.

The Art of conversation, clarity of speech and knowing when and how to communicate to be understood are essential skills for life. We work closely with outside agencies to promote communication, speech and language for all our learners, this in turn enhancing inclusivity. Staff receive regular training to develop their skills and all students who need support in this area have individual and group SALT sessions where guidance, activities and targets are set for key staff, this enabling maximum growth for our students. We promote the use of Makaton Sign for all students within the academy where required.

National framework for Lifeskills and PSHE

3 hours per week

6-32 week blocks available. 

Includes reading comprehension as part of the curriculum.

Helping our students to develop a positive sense of themselves, of others and their community is vital for a happy life.  We work hard to encourage our learners to form positive relationships and develop respect for others;  To develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings;  To understand appropriate behaviour in groups and to have confidence in their own abilities; To provide them with simple life skills including work experience whilst guiding them to make sense of their physical world and community, through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment. These skills paramount in every student’s journey to independence and employment. We will learn about staying safe, social media, LGBTQ, Black history, first aid , healthy eating and growing food, plus inspirational women and men from history.

Art Therapy

6 week blocks available.

We involve our students in exploring and creating assignments with a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities for them to share their thoughts, ideas, and feelings through classroom activities. Creative Art is another positive way of developing dexterity, fine motor skills, Numeracy, communication, and language

Education Support programme: Reading intervention.

The Copper Academy Charity recognises that there is a need for specialist support for reading, writing, and spelling. With the increasing number of EHE students there is a growing need for supportive intervention programmes that are specifically designed for the student’s needs.

The Intervention programme we provide is strongly rooted in reading and the importance of a fundamental life skill, and the understanding that handwriting and spelling are also paramount.






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Contact us

    Proprietor: Emma Hosie 

    Contact address and number.

    The Copper Academy
    The Holsworthy Business and Training Centre
    Western Road
    EX22 6DH

    Tel: 07779768661


    Governors at The Copper Academy

    Head Governor: Mrs Annie Little
